
by Cheila Pessoa



CuizzGiver is a quiz game that helps caregivers of individuals with Spinal Cord Injury to gain knowledge about how to care for their relatives or significant others who have this disease.Gain or increase your SCI-related knowledge, get essential tips on specific aspects of care management at your significant convenience with SCI, or tips to help you become a caregiver.Use CuizzGiver to:• Know what the Injury-Vertebro-medullary is;• Distinguish between tetraplegia and paraplegia;• Obtain knowledge about food care for your family member;• Know about specific care in urinary elimination;• Inform about training and bladder emptying;• Clarify specific care in intestinal elimination;• Know about training and bowel emptying;• Gain knowledge about complications of the disease;• Get support on the caregiver role.This project is part of the Masters thesis in Rehabilitation Nursing at the Porto School of Nursing.Leave feedback and include suggestions for improvement, which will be addressed in an upcoming release.